The classic gold Eflect reflectors turn bland light into a warming dapple effect. This "breakup" pattern could be likened to a stylized cucoloris effect. With a large grid the pattern the results can be more pronounced having a spotted bokeh effect up close, or crispier quality depending on the spread and distance from the light source. You'll find more shadows scattered in this grid version. The gold addition can add to a golden hour look of subtle but endless pliable patterns. This makes dappled light a simple to generate.
Eflects are flexible multi-mirror reflectors which provide a simple and elegant solution for creating an endless variety of scattered lighting effects. The reflector is pliable enough to be bent, warped and hold shape once the desired pattern is achieved. Effects differ depending on the grid size of the board, light source (shape and size), as well as the distance between the Eflect board and light. The closer the light source the softer and denser the effect looks. The further the source results in sharper and edgier patterns. The effect also changes depending on how wide or spotty the beam is set, making dedolight focusing heads the perfect companion for Eflects users.
- DEFRXL-MG3 - 31" x 31" (80 x 80 cm) Extra-Large size Eflect, small grid
- Grid size (large): 0.75"x0.75" tiles
- Dovetail mounting rail for DLR-LOCK mount variations
- Must use DLR-LOCK (receiver version), or DLR-LOCK-M (pin version) dovetail mounts for gripping to 5/8" gear
- DEFPXL - extra large Eflect pouch DEFPXL (not included).
- GFCA58DBLJNT - ProCali arm with Double Joint and Kipp handle.
Eflect boards can be damaged by placing hot lights at close proximity. LED lights are recommended for close use. Placing large Halogen or HMI sources within 4' of the reflectors is not recommended.
Blemishes on the backside during the manufacturing process of the reflector are common and do not affect the performance of the front surface!
weight - 3.7 lbs