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Since its first use on a motion picture set in 1984 the Dedolight Classic has become the most widely used professional light worldwide. Its revolutionary patented dual lens design (Aspheric²) delivers an awesome output (6 times that of a comparable Fresnel) and beam quality, still un-matched today. Winner of a Technical Achievement Award from the Oscar Committee of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, it remains a staple on most lighting trucks. As many ASC members say, “I always bring my Dedos”, or “Saved again by the Dedos”. If you want a light that has your back, get a Classic dedolight.The Classic light heads accept tungsten lamps from 20W to 150W. They operate at 12v, 24v, directly plugged into AC, via an AC to DC Adapter and battery. Drop-in the dichroic conversion filter and they output a clean and stable daylight. The dimming is completely smooth from 1% to 100%, achieved via a manual, built-in DMX or external DMX power supply. Thanks to all the accessories developed throughout the years, the Classics remain relevant and come in all flavors.
They are the first and still only low-voltage, non-fresnel lens system that delivers un-comparable optical performance.
First patented application of Aspheric², dual non-spherical lenses.
With a 150W lamp, the output intensity roughly matches that of a traditional 500 Watt Fresnel.
Classic dedolights produce 40 lumen per watt while studio halogen lamps produce only 20 lumen per watt. A traditional halogen Fresnel provides only 6% efficiency in its spot position. Dedolights have 3 times as much efficiency courtesy of their revolutionary optics.
Super-Spot (4.5º) - Added extra focus movement for even better spot performance.
The light distribution and light character are unlike any traditional fixtures. The beam is completely clean ("clean-beam" concept). Light in the beam, shadow outside with no fall-out.
The most economical solution and, since their very beginning, ecologically friendly lights.
Extended lifetime of lamps at a fraction of the cost, amortizing the fixture after approximately one year of use. Low voltage light sources cost only 25% in comparison to high voltage halogen lamps with the same output.
Low voltage lamps are not easily destroyed by shocks or vibrations making them “travel & location friendly”, providing an extended lifetime and budget savings.
30 products found in The Classic 150w