This 5/8" gags & rods grip kit, designed and built by our ProCali studio, allows users to grip Lightstream reflectors or large Eflect mirrors in a myriad of creative ways. By doing so, very little of the host beam goes to waste. Most importantly it gives users control over the angle and positioning of each Lightstream reflector in 3 dimensional space with great ease and speed. This system is built with 5/8" rods, open and closed gags, Savior clamps, and eight ProCali exclusive double ball-joint arms. Gripping reflectors on rods and gags affords users the ability to slide them closer or farther away from one another, while the double ball-joint attached to the reflector makes pivoting and spinning the reflector at any angle a breeze. The kit is ergonomically crafted utilizing the lid as well as the main compartment to allow for the maximum amount of tools as possible in a small case. It's well organized for a speedy set-up, and that simply makes work more efficient.
- 8x DLR-LOCK Sliding Lock Mount for Reflectors
- 4x GFSCR Savior Clamps w. Hex receptacle.
- 4x GFCA58HEX Brass 5/8 Hex pin, 1.75" long
- 4x GFCAROD20 20" Long 5/8 rods
- 2x GF58GAG Closed 5/8 gags
- 2x GF58GAGO Open 5/8 gags
- 2x GF58GAG2 Dual knob 5/8 gags
- 8x GFCA58DBLJNT DedoCali Double joint w Kipp Handle, 5/8 pins both ends
- 8x 0CASAFETY 19" long safety sling certified 300 lbs
- 1x Nylon rigid case (non-water tight)
Outside dim: 23.5"L x13.5"W x6"H. Weight: 26 lbs
- All DLR-LOCK mounted Lightstream reflectors
- This kit will work for large Eflect reflectors as well